Monday, 28 April 2014

Opportunity_hd Not Found Error

Have a look at above screenshot and it says Opportunity_hd not found while deployment .

The cause of this issue is due to Opportunity History Trending Not Enabled in the Destination Instance .This is a weird error and I am posting so that this may help all who encounter this to resolve themselves 

Business Process and Support Process In Changesets Salesforce

The BusinessProcess metadata type enables you to display different picklist values for users based on their profile. It extends the Metadata metadata type and inherits its fullName field.
Multiple business processes allow you to track separate sales, support, and lead life cycles. A sales, support, lead, or solution process is assigned to a record type. The record type determines the user profiles that are associated with the business process. For more information, see “ Managing Multiple Business Processes ” in the Salesforce online help.

So now the query is how to deploy this Business Process and Support process Via the changesets in SFDC?
If you see the component list you wont see the BusinessProcess in components to Add to the changeset.This is pretty weird as the metadata API for same is exposed in Salesforce .
Mnaually creating hundreds of process in each Instance can be time consuming and Tedious and Using Eclipse or Ant for this for an admin or Business analyst can be a huge exercise and error prone .

So again the same question how to Add these BusinessProcess In Changeset?
The answer is simple .We all have Add Dependency Button in changeset build
Here we will discover we have BusinessProcess to Select and Add to the Changeset.Its little weird that it does not appear as Parent Component during change set build .
May the force be with you All :)

Introducing Lightning Base Components

Lightning Base Components are great addition to the platform and in fact revolutionary .One of the concerns around lightning component ...