Thursday 4 July 2013

Tips On Passing Advanced Developer Salesforce Certification Programming Assignment

As promised as per my previous blog i am sharing my experience on how to clear the advanced developer programming assignment and essay exams to obtain the Advanced Developer Certification.

One of the basic things i would like to mention is ,this you will not have it  overnight as the demand for the course is very high and there are limited slots available in each quarter .One has to be very sharp to quickly register for the exam on the dates mentioned in the Small negligence  will cause you to wait for another 2 to 3 months .

The assignments are distributed nearly after a month once you have registered .So this gives ample amount of time to revise your apex and visualforce skills.

Once the assignments are distributed you will have nearly a month time to complete your assignment and i would suggest reading the whole pdf that comes with assignment more than thrice atleast to make sure you understand the logical requirements and the hidden aspects of the assignments .

Usually a month time is enough for this but one has to make sure they spend atleast one weekend (Assuming your office timings are hectic and you have lot of work to cover on weekdays)

While doing assignment remember few key points 

1)Follow best practices while designing your trigger and visualforce controllers .Some of the reference links for the wiki articles that helped me  are below

2)Testing is the most important aspect that is looked when your assignments are evaluated .Make sure you have adequate test methods with proper asserts 

3)Your application will also be evaluated as per security guideline's so make sure you understand the best practices for writing a secure code 

What does an Essay Examination consists of ?

Essay exams are just to evaluate that you have yourself designed the application and written the code .A Simple descriptive questions will be thrown that you should be good if you yourself have written the code .

To understand more on this i would suggest you to read the below article which is one of the best articles written so far on this subject

Hope you enjoyed this short read and its informational.Let me know your feedback on this article .


  1. hey Mohit - thanks a lot for your blog post, I just passed Multiple Choice exam. I registered for Assignment and got confirmation email as ' Examination: Certified Advanced Developer- Assignment & Essay (SU13)'. Do I need to do anything else or just need to wait for email to come with assignment details ? Thanks in Advance.

  2. As per this July 8th is next registration open time .If i assume that you registered somehow before this date(Assuming webaccessor allowed it )you should wait to get assignment from sfdc.

  3. Hi Mohit,

    What is expected in Essay, should we write whole design with detail specifications like methods used and why it is used or high level.


    1. Hi,

      Questions will be

      1)Best practices adopted
      2)Best practices on test classes
      3)High level design and analysis you did

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